1. Simulation

Why Run Simulation

We intend for Spatial applications to work in hardware without requiring simulation. But for the alpha release of Spatial, the user may prefer to first simulate the design before paying to open an F1 FPGA instance. This tutorial describes how to simulate your Spatial application using the simulation environment provided by Amazon in their Development Kit.

These steps can be done on any machine with the Vivado XSIM simulator. We did this both on a local machine as well as on an EC2 machine with the Amazon FPGA Developer AMI. An FPGA instance is not needed for this simulation tutorial.

To skip simulation and run directly in hardware, see the F1 tutorial.

Generating the Application for Simulation

The first step is the same as compiling a Spatial application for any other target, shown here for the SimpleTileLoadStore example:

$ bin/spatial SimpleTileLoadStore --synth

You can replace SimpleTileLoadStore with any application, as described in the previous tutorial. Note however that the XSIM simulation seems to have a default timeout and that applications which run for too many cycles will not finish. When possible we recommend selecting input arguments which allow your design to complete more quickly in simulation.

Now generate the simulation binary Top:

$ cd ${SPATIAL_HOME}/gen/SimpleTileLoadStore
$ make aws-sim
$ ./Top 100

Notice that the final two steps above both need the Vivado XSim simulator. Other simulators can be used with the Amazon Development Kit but this has not been tested with Spatial.

The simulation typically takes ten minutes or longer to complete.

If the simulation is successful, the following output will be seen:


If your application completed successfully, next you can run it in hardware.