
Boolean represents a staged single boolean value.

Note that this type shadows the unstaged Scala Boolean. In the case where an unstaged Boolean type is required, use the full scala.Boolean name.

Infix methods

class Boolean
def unary_!: Boolean
Negates the given boolean expression.
def &&(y: Boolean): Boolean
Boolean AND.
Compares two Booleans and returns true if both are true.
def ||(y: Boolean): Boolean
Boolean OR.
Compares two Booleans and returns true if at least one is true.
def ^(y: Boolean): Boolean
Boolean exclusive-or (XOR).
Compares two Booleans and returns true if exactly one is true.
def !=(y: Boolean): Boolean
Value inequality (equivalent to exclusive-or).
Compares two Booleans and returns true if exactly one is true.
def ==(y: Boolean): Boolean
Value equality, equivalent to exclusive-nor (XNOR).
Compares two Booleans and returns true if both are true or both are false
def toString: String
Creates a printable String from this value

[NOTE] This method is unsynthesizable, and can be used only on the CPU or in simulation.