
MemReduce describes the reduction across multiple local memories. Like Reduce, MemReduce requires both a map and a reduction function. However, in MemReduce, the map describes the creation and population of a local memory (typically an SRAM). The reduction function still operates on scalars, and is used to combine local memories together element-wise. Unlike Reduce, MemReduce always requires an explicit accumulator. Unless otherwise disabled, the compiler will then try to parallelize both the creation of multiple memories and the reduction of each of these memories into a single accumulator.

Static methods

object MemReduce
def apply[T,C[T]](accum: C[T])(ctr: Counter)(map: Int => C[T])(reduce: (T,T) => T): C[T]
On-chip memory reduction over a one dimensional space.
Returns the accumulator accum.
def apply[T,C[T]](accum: C[T])(ctr1: Counter, ctr2: Counter)(map: (Int, Int) => C[T])(reduce: (T,T) => T): C[T]
On-chip memory reduction over a two dimensional space.
Returns the accumulator accum.
def apply[T,C[T]](accum: C[T])(ctr1: Counter, ctr2: Counter, ctr3: Counter)(map: (Int, Int, Int) => C[T])(reduce: (T,T) => T): C[T]
On-chip memory reduction over a three dimensional space.
Returns the accumulator accum.
def apply[T,C[T]](accum: C[T])(ctr1: Counter, ctr2: Counter, ctr3: Counter, ctr4: Counter, ctr5: Counter*)(map: List[Int] => C[T])(reduce: (T,T) => T): C[T]
On-chip memory reduction over a 4+ dimensional space.
Returns the accumulator accum.
Note that the map function is on a List of iterators.
The number of iterators will be the same as the number of counters supplied.