
Vector defines a fixed size collection of scalar values. It is distinct from Array in that the size must always be statically determinable. This allows Vector to always be allocated as a bus of wires when implemented in hardware.

Vector is most commonly used for managing parallel accesses to local memories in hardware and for bit-twiddling operations.

To allow static type checking and creation of the Bits type class, the Vector type is split into subtypes based on the number of elements it contains. For example, a Vector3[Int] is composed of 3, 32-bit Int values, while a Vector32[Bit] is a single bus of 32 Bit values. Spatial currently defines Vector types from Vector1 up to Vector128.

To work around limitations with Scala’s type system Spatial also includes a VectorN type for when the vector width cannot be type-encoded. This type generally needs to be annotated with the number of bits the user intended (e.g. vector.as32b) before it can be written to memories.

Static methods

object Vector
def LittleEndian[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorX[T]
Creates a VectorX from the given X elements, where X is between 1 and 128.
The first element supplied is the most significant (Vector index of X - 1).
The last element supplied is the least significant (Vector index of 0).

Note that this method is actually overloaded 128 times based on the number of supplied arguments.
def BigEndian[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorX[T]
Creates a VectorX from the given X elements, where X is between 1 and 128.
The first element supplied is the least significant (Vector index of 0).
The last element supplied is the most significant (Vector index of X - 1).

Note that this method is actually overloaded 128 times based on the number of supplied arguments.
def ZeroLast[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorX[T]
A mnemonic for LittleEndian (with reference to the zeroth element being specified last in order).
def ZeroFirst[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorX[T]
A mnemonic for BigEndian (with reference to the zeroth element being specified first in order).

Spatial also includes an alternate Vectorize object which takes a true arbitrary number of elements in all of its functions. As a result, these methods return VectorNs.

object Vectorize
def LittleEndian[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorN[T]
Creates a VectorN from the given elements.
The first element supplied is the most significant (Vector index of N - 1).
The last element supplied is the least significant (Vector index of 0).
def BigEndian[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorN[T]
Creates a VectorN from the given elements.
The first element supplied is the least significant (Vector index of 0).
The last element supplied is the most significant (Vector index of N - 1).
def ZeroLast[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorN[T]
A mnemonic for LittleEndian (with reference to the zeroth element being specified last in order).
def ZeroFirst[T:Type:Bits](elem: T*): VectorN[T]
A mnemonic for BigEndian (with reference to the zeroth element being specified first in order).

Infix methods

class Vector[T]
def apply(i: Int): T
Returns the i’th element of this Vector.
Element 0 is always the LSB.
def apply(range: Range)(implicit mT: Type[T], bT: Bits[T]): VectorN[T]
Returns a slice of the elements in this Vector as a VectorN.
The range must be statically determinable with a stride of 1.
The range is inclusive for both the start and end.
The range can be big endian (e.g. 3::0) or little endian (e.g. 0::3).
In both cases, element 0 is always the least significant element.

For example, x(3::0) returns a Vector of the 4 least significant elements of x.
def takeX(offset: scala.Int): VectorX[T]
Returns a slice of N elements of this Vector starting at the given offset from the
least significant element.
To satisfy Scala’s static type analysis, each width has a separate method.

For example, x.take3(1) returns the 3 least significant elements of x after the
least significant as a Vector3[T].
def !=(that: Vector[T]): MBoolean
Returns true if this Vector and that differ by at least one element, false otherwise.
def ==(that: Vector[T]): MBoolean
Returns true if this Vector and that contain the same elements, false otherwise.
class VectorX[T] extends Vector[T]
class VectorN[T]
def asVectorX: VectorX[T]
Casts this VectorN as a VectorX.
Values of X from 1 to 128 are currently supported.

If the VectorX type has fewer elements than this value’s type, the most significant elements will be dropped.
If the VectorX type has more elements than this value’s type, the resulting elements will be zeros.
def asXb: VectorX[Bit]
Returns a view of this VectorN’s bits as a X-bit Vector.
To satisfy Scala’s static analysis, each bit-width has a separate method.
Conversions between 1 and 128 bits are currently supported.

If X is smaller than this VectorN’s total bits, the MSBs will be dropped.
If X is larger than this VectorN’s total bits, the resulting MSBs will be zeros.